Frequently-asked questions about the Federal Free and Reduced Price Meal Program:
Yes. They must meet the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Child Nutrition Program eligibility requirements.
The program subsidizes meals for eligible students through its School Breakfast Program and National School Lunch Program.
For more information on the USDA Program click here.
A participating school must establish a Wellness Policy by July 1 of the year the school is to open. The policy must include goals for nutrition education and guidelines for foods available on school campuses, and must involve school and community partners in developing strategies to model, foster and teach children to eat well and be physically active.
Students qualify for either free or reduced price meals based on their household income. In August of each year, the NYCDOE releases a new School Meals Application for schools to distribute to families. Student codes from the prior year are available in ATS for the first 30 operational days of the new NYCDOE school year. Schools should have parents fill out new forms before the prior year's codes expire.
Only original forms are accepted and the forms should not be bent. Families return School Meals Application forms to schools, and schools send them to NYCDOE SchoolFood to be scanned. All charter schools are scanner schools; student data is entered into ATS by NYCDOE SchoolFood, not the schools. Note that schools must request School Meal Applications from NYCDOE SchoolFood in May of the prior school year; schools should specify the number of forms they require in each language.
Avoid the headache of the paper form; encourage families to use the online application. It is also processed faster that the paper form.
No, but it is critical to collect as many of these forms as possible because these forms are the basis for additional funding from the state and federal governments and are used to create peer groups for NYCDOE progress reports. Be aware that the application can be difficult to collect from families who may have concerns over the personal information they must disclose on the form; encourage concerned families to use the online application instead.
Benefits begin only after a form is completed, reviewed and approved. There is no mechanism for retroactively refunding/crediting money spent on school lunches. To be reimbursed, the school must take three of the five components of lunch offered by NYCDOE SchoolFood.