Try our HAST-style practice test pack designed to support your child's preparation for the Selective High School Placement Test. Our bank of practice questions with detailed explanations are based on the recent format.
Our Content PartnersThe HAST program is compiled by the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER). HAST is designed to differentiate academically gifted children and identifies students who would benefit from accelerated learning and enhancement programs such as Selective High Schools. Some schools use HAST for placement in the High Performing & Gifted Education Programs (also known as Enrichment Programs).
HAST assesses the academic performance of students in the top range of academic achievers. The HAST consists of a series of demanding questions in the subject areas of reading comprehension, mathematical reasoning, abstract reasoning and written expression.
Examination: August - September 2024.
Application open in June 2024.
Please check the school website for further information.
1. An affordable solution for parents looking to equip students with the skills and techniques to succeed in the HAST Test.
2. Increase confidence by providing students with the understanding of the test structure, time constraints and question types.
3. Regularly updated to prepare students for a higher level of reading, problem-solving and abstract reasoning skills.