When creating or editing an assignment, you can assign an assignment to individual students.
1. In Course Navigation, click Assignments.
2. Click on the name of the assignment that you would like to manage.
3. When the assignment opens, click Edit.
4. Click Manage Due Dates and Assign To.
5. To set due dates, click Manage Due Dates and Assign To. In the new window, set the date and time for the the due date. Click Apply to save your date range.
6. Click the Assign to field. Assignments may be assigned to the whole class, specific sections, or individual students. Select who should complete the assignment by click on sections or names.
7. Type the name of a student in the Assign to field. When the student's name appears in the field below, click on their name.
Canvas allows instructors to set different due dates for individual students. For information on how to use the multiple due date/user feature, see
You can include more than one student in the same Assign to field as long as the students are to be assigned the same due and availability dates.
8. When the full name appears, click the name.
9. Select Due Date and Time and Availability range.
Canvas allows instructors to set different due dates for individual students. For information on how to use the multiple due date/user feature, see
You can include more than one student in the same Assign to field as long as the students are to be assigned the same due and availability dates.
10. To individually assign the assignment to additional students, click + Add.
Canvas allows instructors to set different due dates for individual students. For information on how to use the multiple due date/user feature, see
You can include more than one student in the same Assign to field as long as the students are to be assigned the same due and availability dates.
11. Another section will appear below the initial due date section. Select who should complete the assignment, Due Date and Time, and Availability range. If more dates are needed, click +Add. If no more dates are needed, click Apply.
Canvas allows instructors to set different due dates for individual students. For information on how to use the multiple due date/user feature, see
You can include more than one student in the same Assign to field as long as the students are to be assigned the same due and availability dates.
12. Click the Save or Save & Publish button.